Kinyarwanda in Rwanda





المعلومات متوفرة

1. الأساسيات


Kinyarwanda in Rwanda


Kinyarwanda is a Bantu cross-border language spoken in all regions of Rwanda and beyond its borders mainly in the  African Great Lakes region especially in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, in South-Western Uganda and in North-Western Tanzania ( Carte linguistique de la Région des Grands Lacs, Tervuren).

In the neighboring country of Burundi to the south, Kinyarwanda is almost mutually intelligible with Kirundi, the national language of Burundi. The difference between the two languages lies mainly in intonation, in a limited number of vocabulary, and to a lesser extent, in grammar. There may be greater differences between varieties within Kinyarwanda and Kirundi than between the two languages.

Kinyarwanda language is also spoken in Southern Uganda (by Bafumbira people) and in the Southern and Northern Kivu Provinces (Democratic Republic of Congo). Kinyarwanda is also mutually intelligible with Ha, another Bantu language spoken in Tanzania.

2. Status


  • لغة رسمية على مستوى الدولة
  • اللغة الرسمية الإقليمية
  • لغة الأقلية الرسمية
  • لغة مجتمعية معترف بها
  • لغة المجتمع غير المعترف بها
اللغة الوطنية
لغة السكان الأصليين
According to the 5th Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR), Kinyarwanda is the only national language of Rwanda spoken by more than 99.7% of Rwandans (13,246,394), and one of four official languages besides English, French and Kiswahili.
Kinyarwanda language is used for all communication purposes. Most official functions in Rwanda are performed in Kinyarwanda. Various official documents, including the official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda, have a Kinyarwanda version.

3. State

Documentation: materials


1. Many Kinyarwanda dictionaries in Kinyarwanda; in Kinyarwanda & English; Kinyarwanda & French; Kinyarwanda & Kiswahili
2. Different grammar books
3. Various books on literature and its genres
4. Many research on Kinyarwanda language



Kinyarwanda teaching video lessons are aired on Rwanda TV and are on youtube.



  • لغة قياسية حديثة
  • اللغة الفصحى الشبابية
  • لغة موحدة
  • شبه لغة قياسية
  • لغة شبه موحدة
  • لغة غير موحدة
Kinyarwanda language is an official and modern standard language in Rwanda used in all public domains, in media and in schools.

الرسوم البيانية وتشفير النص

  • نظام كتابة موحد مع ترميز نصي كامل
  • نظام كتابة تقليدي مع ترميز جزئي للخط
  • نظام كتابة متسق بدون تشفير نصي
  • نظام (أنظمة) الكتابة غير المنتظمة
  • استخدام كتابي محدود
  • لا يوجد استخدام كتابي
Kinyarwanda was first written by European missionaries in the early 1900s. Since then, Kinyarwanda has received four planned orthography changes. The last one was suggested in February 2012 by a group of experts, approved by the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture in August 2012 and then implemented by the Government in October 2014.

4. Users

التوزيع الجغرافي

  • يعيش المستخدمون ويهيمنون في جميع مناطق الدولة
  • يعيش المستخدمون في [ولاية / ...] من الدولة
  • يعيش المستخدمون في منطقة عابرة للحدود [ولاية / ...] من البلد
  • يعيش المستخدمون في [ولايات / ...] منفصلة من الدولة
  • يعيش المستخدمون متناثرين في [ولاية / ...] واحدة من الدولة
  • يعيش المستخدمون منتشرين في جميع أنحاء البلاد
Almost all Rwandans speak the same and sole national language, Kinyarwanda. Generally, Kinyarwanda is still the predominant language of the country. It is widely used in every day communication, in national and and even international media, in business, etc. It is also the dominant language of administration, especially in local governments.

حجم / عدد المستخدمين

عدد المستخدمين

Fifth Rwanda Population and Housing Census, 2022 (NISR)

Kinyarwanda language is spoken by more than 99.7% of Rwandans (13,246,394).
Overall, 77% are literate in at least one of the four official languages of the country: Kinyarwanda, English, French, and Swahili.
Kinyarwanda is the most widespread language of literacy as 54% of Rwandan resident population aged 15 years and above are literate in Kinyarwanda only, 14% in Kinyarwanda and English, 2% in Kinyarwanda and French and 4% in Kinyarwanda, English and French.

المستخدمون ضمن إجمالي عدد السكان

100٪ يستخدمون اللغة


Actual percentage
5th Population Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR)
Kinyarwanda language is spoken by more than 99.7% of Rwandans (13,246,394) (almost 100%)

المستخدمون داخل المجتمع المرجعي

100٪ يستخدمون اللغة
Actual percentage
5th Rwanda Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR)
Kinyarwanda language is spoken by more than 99.7% of Rwandans (13,246,394) (almost 100%)

استخدام الأجيال

جميع الأجيال

5th Rwanda Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR)


التحصيل العلمي

تعليم الطفولة المبكرة

REB, 2015, Competence based curriculum. Curriculum framework: Pre-primary to upper secondary
[Rwandan] Law determining the Organisation of Education N° 010/2021 of 16/02/2021


In 2015, with the new Competence based Curriculum, the language of learning in pre-primary and lower primary was Kinyarwanda while the other languages were taught as subjects. The language of learning from upper primary to
upper secondary was English with Kinyarwanda and French taught as subjects. (REB, 2015). Since 2021, according to Rwandan Law determining the Organisation of Education N° 010/2021 of 16/02/2021, "the English is the medium of instruction". Other official languages, including Kinyarwanda, "are taught as subjects in accordance with the curriculum of each cycle".

التعليم الابتدائي

REB, 2015, Competence based curriculum. Curriculum framework: Pre-primary to upper secondary
[Rwandan] Law determining the Organisation of Education N° 010/2021 of 16/02/2021


In 2015, with the new Competence based Curriculum, the language of learning in pre-primary and lower primary was Kinyarwanda while the other languages were taught as subjects. The language of learning from upper primary to
upper secondary was English with Kinyarwanda and French taught as subjects.
(REB, 2015). Since 2021, according to Rwandan Law determining the Organisation of Education N° 010/2021 of 16/02/2021, "the English is the medium of instruction". Other official languages, including Kinyarwanda, "are taught as subjects in accordance with the curriculum of each cycle".

التعليم الثانوي الإعدادي

REB, 2015, Competence based curriculum. Curriculum framework: Pre-primary to upper secondary
[Rwandan] Law determining the Organisation of Education N° 010/2021 of 16/02/2021


In 2015, with the new Competence based Curriculum, the language of learning in pre-primary and lower primary was Kinyarwanda while the other languages were taught as subjects. The language of learning from upper primary to
upper secondary was English with Kinyarwanda and French taught as subjects.
(REB, 2015). Since 2021, according to Rwandan Law determining the Organisation of Education N° 010/2021 of 16/02/2021, "the English is the medium of instruction". Other official languages, including Kinyarwanda, "are taught as subjects in accordance with the curriculum of each cycle".

التعليم الثانوي العالي

REB, 2015, Competence based curriculum. Curriculum framework: Pre-primary to upper secondary


Since 2015, with the new Competence based Curriculum, Kinyarwanda language is part of Languages Combinations in Higher Secondary Education: English-French-Kinyarwanda (EFK) and English-Kiswahili-Kinyarwanda (EKK). In other combinations, Kinyarwanda language is taught as subject.

التعليم العالي

At tertiary education level, Kinyarwanda language is taught as subject in different universities and high learning institutions in Rwanda. Since 2019, the University of Rwanda introduced a Master's Degree in Kinyarwanda language.

الكفاءة اللغوية

افهم كل شيء ، تحدث / وقع جيدًا

54% of Rwandans aged above 15 are literate in Kinyarwanda only, 77% in Kinyarwanda and other official languages. 22% of Rwandans have no language literacy but they speak well Kinyarwanda language as their mother language.


5th Rwanda Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR)

محو أمية المستخدمين

أكثر من 50٪ من المستخدمين يعرفون القراءة والكتابة في اللغة
Actual percentage

5th Rwanda Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR)


54% of Rwandans aged above 15 are literate in Kinyarwanda only, 77% in Kinyarwanda and other official languages. 22% of Rwandans have no language literacy but they speak well Kinyarwanda language as their mother language.

الاستخدام الرقمي

أكثر من 50٪ من المستخدمين الرقميين للغة
Actual percentage

5th Rwanda Population and Household Census 2022 (NISR)


There are more than 50% digital Rwandan users of the Ikinyarwanda language. According to the 5th Rwanda Population and Household Census 2022, 64 % of Rwandans, users of Ikinyarwanda, use internet at home. 22.2% of Rwandans use internet in office, while it is used in 12.5% of Rwandans at schools and places of education (phones and computers).

5. Use

البعد الاجتماعي والجغرافي

النطاق الجغرافي
  • دولي
  • فوق الوطنية
  • عبر الحدود (الدول)
  • على مستوى الولاية
  • عبر الحدود فوق الإقليمية
  • فوق الإقليمي
  • عبر الحدود الإقليمية
  • إقليمي
  • محلي
Kinyarwanda language is spoken by over 40 million people in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Along with other three languages English, French and Kiswahili, Kinyarwanda is an official language of Rwanda and is spoken widely by almost all of the native population.

البعد الاقتصادي

النطاق الاقتصادي
  • قطاع خماسي
  • القطاع الرباعي
  • قطاع التعليم العالي
  • القطاع الثانوي
  • القطاع الأولي
  • اللغة غير مستخدمة
As national language, Kinyarwanda is used in all sectors of economic dimension especially in quinary sector: businesses and other organisations providing essential services to Rwandans such as public services, administration, education and healthcare.
It is also the language of tertiary: Kinyarwanda is the language of communication business (commercial, transport, industries, communications, SME’s, etc.). It is used in the transport, distribution and sale of goods (wholesaling and retailing), entertainment and cultural industries).

البعد الوظيفي

النطاق الوظيفي
  • المجالات العامة
  • المجالات اليومية
  • المجالات الخاصة
في ازدياد

As the population of Rwanda (users of Kinyarwanda) increases (from 10,515,973 people in 2012 to 13,246,394 in 2022), it’s clear that the stability of Kinyarwanda also increases.
Regarding the rate of languages ​​of literacy, Kinyarwanda has, in ten years, made the progress of 5.2% because in 2012, 48.8% of Rwandans were literate in Ikinyarwanda only and in 2022 this rate increased to 54% .

الاستخدام الوظيفي في الإدارة

استعمال اللغة في الإدارة
  • مستوى دولي
  • المستوى الوطني
  • على المستوى الإقليمي
  • المستوى المحلي
  • استخدام مساعد
  • غير مستخدم

أنواع اللغة المستخدمة

  • الاستخدام المنطوق / الموقع
  • الاستخدام الكتابي
  • الاستخدام الرقمي

اللغة المستخدمة ل

  • بيانات التعداد
  • المسوحات التعدادية
  • العمليات الانتخابية
  • العلامات الطبوغرافية
As official and national language, Kinyarwanda language is widely used in administration in Rwanda. Kinyarwanda language is used in almost all administration duties and documents. In general, Rwandans receive and ask services in Kinyarwanda.
There are four official languages but Kinyarwanda, the national language, is the most used in administration. For instance, official/formal and informal meetings are mostly held in Kinyarwanda. Various official documents, including the official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda, have a Kinyarwanda version. Laws are written in Kinyarwanda, and court proceedings are conducted in this language. For many years, the medium of instruction in primary education was Kinyarwanda.)

الثقافة العرقية

  • غير مستخدمة
  • التعلم غير الرسمي
  • المهارات والمعرفة
  • الفنون المسرحية
  • نشاطات اجتماعية
  • القانون العرفي
  • الطب التقليدي
  • المعرفة والممارسات
  • التقاليد والتعابير
As has been explained previously, Kinyarwanda language is used in all everyday life of Rwandans' activities from national level to rural/local level.
Kinyarwanda language is used in all cultural activities even in cultural industries and research.

الرعاية الصحية العامة

  • اللغة غير مستخدمة
  • الترجمات
  • معلومات الرعاية الصحية
  • الرعاية التمريضية (بما في ذلك كبار السن)
  • التواصل بين الطبيب والمريض
  • تستخدم بشكل عام
The Kinyarwanda language is generally used in healthcare service delivery especially to Rwandans.

الإعلام والاتصال والإنتاج الثقافي

  • خدمات المعلومات
  • إذاعة
  • فيلم, فيديو
  • تسجيل الصوت / الموسيقى
  • أنشطة النشر
  • اللغة غير مستخدمة
Kinyarwanda language is used in all media channels
There is a predominance of Kinyarwanda language in the fields of information services, broadcasting, video and music production and publishing activities at national level.

المجال الرقمي

  • اللغة غير مستخدمة
  • الرسائل النصية والمراسلات
  • وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
  • المدونات وصفحات الويب والكتب الإلكترونية
  • المنتجات والخدمات التعليمية والترفيهية
  • وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لها واجهة مترجمة
  • خدمات بحث الويب والتجارة الإلكترونية المترجمة
  • أنظمة التشغيل المترجمة
  • الترجمة الآلية
  • أعلى مستوى اسم المجال
The digital Kinyarwanda use can be found in texting and messaging, social media and in edutainment products and services.
