Standard Spanish in Colombia


10.000.000 to 99.999.999




Information available

1. Basics


Standard Spanish in Colombia


10.000.000 to 99.999.999


El español de Colombia es una variedad de la lengua española compuesta por un conjunto de hablas regionales con rasgos específicos de pronunciación, entonación y vocabulario, principalmente, que permiten su clara diferenciación frente a otras modalidades nacionales. Tiene unas características propias, producto del desarrollo interno y de influencias interidiomáticas diversas.

En el español de Colombia está presente el influjo de las lenguas amerindias desde el momento de la Conquista hasta hoy. En los primeros contactos se incorporaron voces amerindias que se extendieron por todo el contexto hispánico: canoa, chocolate, cacao, tomate, papa, etc. 


Colombian Spanish is a variety of the Spanish language composed of a set of regional speeches with specific features of pronunciation, intonation and vocabulary, mainly, that allow its clear differentiation from other national modalities. It has its own characteristics, product of internal development and diverse interidiomatic influences.

The influence of Amerindian languages is present in Colombian Spanish from the time of the Conquest until today. In the first contacts, Amerindian words were incorporated that spread throughout the Hispanic context: canoa, chocolate, cacao, tomato, potato, etc. 

2. Status


  • Official country wide language
  • Official regional language
  • Official minority language
  • Recognised community language
  • Unrecognised community language
National language
Indigenous language

3. State

Documentation: materials







Documentation: descriptions


Graphisation & script encoding

4. Users

Geographical distribution

  • Users live and dominate in all regions of the country
  • Users live in one [state/...] of the country
  • Users live in a cross-border region [state/...] of the country
  • Users live in separated [states/...] of the country
  • Users live dispersed across one [state/...] of the country
  • Users live scattered all over the country

Size / Number of users

Users within total population

More than 50% use the language

Users within the reference community

Age distribution of users

percentage of members of middle generations (15-65)

Age distribution of users

percentage of members of young generations (< 15)

Age distribution of users

percentage of members of older generations (> 65)

Generational use

Educational attainment

No education
Early childhood education
Primary education
Lower secondary education
Higher secondary education
Tertiary education

Occupational qualifications

Elementary occupations
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Craft and related trades workers
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Services and sales workers
Clerical support workers
Technicians and associate professionals

Language competence

Language not used
Understand little, speak/sign none
Understand some, speak/sign little
Understand well, speak/sign some
Understand all, speak/sign well
Understand all, speak/sign fluently

Literacy of users

Digital use

5. Use

Socio-geographic dimension

Economic dimension

Functional dimension

Functional scope
  • Public domains
  • Everyday domains
  • Private domains
Functional scope
  • Public domains
  • Everyday domains
  • Private domains
Functional scope
  • Public domains
  • Everyday domains
  • Private domains

Functional use in administration


Formal Education

Early childhood education
Primary level
Lower secondary level
Higher secondary level
Tertiary level

Public healthcare

Information, communication and cultural production
